Oral Health
Oral health includes providing individual dental care, and educational and group activities that focus on health and wellbeing. Our professionals go beyond the role of merely providing dental work; they teach, offer explanations, welcome and encourage the participation of their patients.
Sesc offers both general and preventive dental care, providing a range of services from imaging diagnosis to dental implants. In 2016, dental services were offered in 122 offices located in 29 centers – 24 on-premise clinics and 5 mobile clinics.
Oral health education initiatives are aimed at all different audiences and held in a number of different centers; they address topics like preventing oral diseases and other oral health-related matters in a playful and participatory fashion.
In 2016, Sesc set up an online registration system through the Sesc Portal aimed at mitigating unequal access to dental services caused by social inequality. The new methodology has allowed procedures and criteria for determining, and prioritizing, patients that are most socially and biologically vulnerable to be standardized.