Sesc São Paulo Publishers
Guided by the values of continuing education and access to culture, Sesc Publishers produces books on a number of subject matters primarily relating to the arts and humanities. Published material reflects Sesc’s scheduled activities and, therefore, is varied and focuses on the preservation and dissemination of content on many aspects of contemporary life. This content is published exclusively by Sesc Publishers or is coedited in partnership with institutions and companies that share the institution’s and publisher’s values. These include: Videobrasil Cultural Association, the Official Press Publishers, Moreira Salles Institute Publishers, UNESP Foundation Publishers, Ateliê Publishers, Boitempo Publishers, Ouro sobre Azul Publishers, Perspectiva Publishers, SENAC São Paulo Publishers, Tempo d´Imagem Publishers, Ubu Publishers and WMF Martins Fontes Publishers.
Participation in literary and related events reflect the social and cultural importance of published content and the marketplace’s recognition of literary and book publications.
In 2016, for example, Sesc São Paulo Publishers produced 33 books, 27 of which were brand new titles, and 6 of which were second edition reprints. The publishing house sponsored 31 book launches at different Sesc venues, bookstores and partner institutions.
In addition to print books, Sesc Publishers has been working to make its publications available in e-book format. It now has 53 e-books for sale in Brazil and abroad. These books can be purchased from Sesc stores, the Sesc online store, and traditional and online bookstores.